Agile Philippines Meetup 2017.08

Ealden Escañan
Agile Philippines
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2017


This month’s meetup was hosted by Willis Towers Watson! They have been hosting the community regularly since starting on their Agile journey three years ago, and this time they opened their space in their new office!


Lili Pattuinan, GDT Regional Software Development Leader, formally welcomed us again to Willis Towers Watson and to tonight’s meetup.

Lili welcoming everyone to Willis Towers Watson and to tonight’s meetup

Show of hands to our first timers this month! We had practitioners from the community finally attend a meetup, as well as guests from Benguluru and Melbourne to name a few!

Meetups have become a chance to catch up with friends and fellow practitioners in the community, and we’ve spent the first half hour connecting with other attendees while people started arriving.

We used Open Space to facilitate the meetup. The Open Space principles, as well as the Law of Two Feet, were all around our space.

We had 5 topics for each round, which spelled WTWPH. We had 3 rounds of 20 minutes each, with 5 minute gaps between rounds to figure out where to go next. The topics we discussed came from those who attendeed the meetup.

Topics and schedule were:

Round 1: 8:00 PM–8:20 PM

  • W: Reshuffling of long-running Scrum team members: effective or not?
  • T: Scrum of Scrums anybody???
  • W: Squads/tribes/chapters in a service industry
  • P: Agile/Scrum audit
  • H: How do you get people started and change the mindset to become Agile — operate efficiently?

Round 2: 8:25 PM–8:45 PM

  • W: How will we handle situations where Product Owners dictate what should be taken in a sprint?
  • T: Strategy to eliminate system hardening?
  • W: Techniques in retrospective meetings
  • P: Efficient grooming
  • H: How do you convert project managers into Agile facilitators?

Round 3: 8:50 PM–9:10 PM

  • W: Team is composed of geographically0-dispersed members. Each member owns individual components. No sharing. What agile framework is applicable?
  • T: Resource allocation 1:M?
  • W: Cross-functional Scrum members; is it still applied/relevant?
  • P: Story points limit must or nice to have? / How do we declare the issues found within the sprint? Is it by creating a separate bug ticket or just commenting on the ticket?
  • H: Lean Six Sigma + Agile = ???

We started wrapping up after 9:00 in the evening with our big circle sharing session, followed by a giveaways and raffle from Willis Towers Watson!

As always, we think we could have gone longer, but that will have to wait until the next meetup. Thank you to everyone who participated, even if the weather could have been a lot better!

Thank you again to Willis Towers Watson for always supporting the community. Special thanks to Lili Pattuitan, Cza Grau, BA Agaloos, Mariel Raz, Yuki Yukimteng, Issa Jose, Warren Santiago, Greziel Quiroz, and everyone who made the meetup a success!

Agile Philippines meetups happen every last Wednesday of a month. This is a community event, and is only made possible by the people who go to the meetups, and the organizations who open their doors to allow us to meet as a community.

Please do reach out to our Facebook group if your organization is interested in hosting a future meetup.

See you next month at Sprout Solutions!

